= External docs = ''This is a wiki-fied version of http://bitlbee.org/main.php/extdoc.html (which will be redirected here soon.)'' Some other people also wrote documentation about !BitlBee. Maybe some of these might be of some use for you: * A [[http://princessleia.com/bitlbee.php|HTML-version]] of the quickstart guide by [[http://princessleia.com/|Elizabeth Krumbach]]. * A [[http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/internet/bitlbee.pdf|nice document]] about !BitlBee installation and usage by [[mailto:brad@humbug.org.au|Bradley Marshall]]. * A [[http://reviewed.homelinux.org/software/irc/bitlbee/|little text]] about !BitlBee installation and usage by [[http://xiando.everdot.org/|Øyvind Sæther]]. * A [[http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/1088/|project review]] on !FreshMeat. * [[http://bitlbee.org/main.php/irchacks_bitlbee.html|100 IRC Hacks - BitlBee]], from the O'Reilly book. * [[http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?BitlBee|About !BitlBee and Emacs]]. * [[http://www.amiganiac.net/cgi-bin/lnk.pl?/bitlbee.htm+|About BitlBee on AmigaOS]] (seems to work on MorphOS too). * [[http://kertz.in/?p=3|Writing an MSN (or Jabber, AIM, ICQ or whatever you prefer) bot using BitlBee]]. * [[http://otherlinuxblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/bitlbee.html|Short HOWTO]] in Spanish. * [[http://www.linuxforen.de/forums/showthread.php?t=131359|Short introduction]] to !BitlBee in German. * An impressively long [[http://netz.nonoo.hu/bitlbee/|BitlBee HOWTO in Hungarian]]. For as much as I can see from just screenshots, it seems to be a bit focused on Windows, but obviously there's more than just the installation part, so it can be useful for everyone. And, well, not quite what you'd call documentation, but at least it's written in English and has something to do with !BitlBee, some speeches/ramblings by Sjoerd: * [[http://bitlbee.org/main.php/speech_0.80.html|0.80 release speech]] * [[http://bitlbee.org/main.php/goodbee.html|GoodBee]] * [[http://bitlbee.org/main.php/speech_0.90.html|0.90 release speech]] * [[http://bitlbee.org/main.php/speech_1.0.html|1.0 release letter]]