## page was renamed from bitlbee-sipe = Using SIPE / OCS / Microsoft Lync / Skype for Business with bitlbee-libpurple = Bitlbee + [[http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/WhatIsLibpurple|libpurple]] can talk to SIPE, Microsoft's OCS, Lync (on Office 365 as well) and Skype for Business. First, you need a Bitlbee with [[HowtoPurple|libpurple support]]. You need the [[http://sipe.sourceforge.net/|pidgin-sipe]] plugin. This is packaged in Debian and Ubuntu; on OS X you'll have to [[http://blog.danielgempesaw.com/post/104839206054/using-sipe-through-bitlbee-in-emacs-on-os-x|compile it yourself]]. Then it's easy. For OCS, you add your account like this: {{{ account add sipe EMAIL-ADDRESS,DOMAIN\USERNAME PASSWORD }}} [[http://www.pidgin.im/|Pidgin]] calls the EMAIL-ADDRESS field "Username" and the DOMAIN\USERNAME field "Login." For non-OCS SIPE you might not need the ,DOMAIN\USERNAME part. In case it helps you figure out your usernames, here's a [[http://sipe.sourceforge.net/screens/pidgin-sipe-basic-settings.png|screenshot]] of the Pidgin account setup page. See also the [[https://sourceforge.net/p/sipe/wiki/How%20to%20setup%20an%20account/|official account setup guide]] It may also be necessary to escape the slash between DOMAIN and USERNAME. You can confirm if this is necessary by viewing the account settings after adding the account. {{{ account sipe set }}} Check that `username = email,domain\username` appears formatted correctly. If the slash is missing, then correct it by escaping the slash. {{{ account sipe set username you@email.com,domain\\login }}} == User Agent == If you get the following error: {{{ sipe - Login error: You have been rejected by the server: You are currently not using the recommended version of the client }}} You will need to set a proper useragent so that you're able to connect. For example: {{{ account sipe set useragent "UCCAPI/15.0.4771.1000 OC/15.0.4771.1001 (Skype for Business)" }}} [[https://sourceforge.net/p/sipe/wiki/Frequently%20Asked%20Questions/#connection-refused-with-error-messagewzxhzdk12you-are-currently-not-using-the-recommended-version-of-the-clientwzxhzdk13you-have-been-rejected-by-the-server-httpsportalmicrosoftonlinecomdownloadlyncaspx|There's a list of possible user agents in the SIPE FAQ]] There is a list of useragent strings [[http://blogs.technet.com/b/nexthop/archive/2014/04/08/lync-2013-cumulative-updates-list.aspx|here]] but it doesn't seem to always have the latest version. The most reliable way to get the latest is to get it from a working instance of Lync on a Windows box (probably enough to just change the version numbers to what's in About ... Lync). Look in the `UccApi` log in `%localappdata%\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\Tracing` Other user agents that might be valid for older servers (pick one) {{{ account sipe set useragent "UCCAPI/3.5.6907.0" account sipe set useragent "CCAPI/4.0.7577.0 OC/4.0.7577.0" account sipe set useragent "UCCAPI/3.5.6907.0 OC/3.5.6907.0 (Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2)" }}} If these don't work, you'll have to figure out what to use. Good luck (and add findings to this page) == Login error: Incompatible authentication scheme chosen == {{{ account sipe set authentication tls-dsk }}} == SSL errors (Read Error) with Debian/Ubuntu 12.04 == Add this to /etc/init.d/bitlbee underneath SCRIPTNAME. {{{ export NSS_SSL_CBC_RANDOM_IV=0 }}} == Login error: Failed to authenticate to server == Obviously this could really be an issue with (the format of) your username/password, but there's another possible cause. Microsoft seems to have disabled RC4 stream cipher used by TLS-DSK in older SIPE versions (at least 1.18 in Ubuntu 14.04 seems to be too old): http://sourceforge.net/p/sipe/bugs/285/. Try upgrading to a more recent pidgin-sipe version such as 1.20 which utilizes newer ciphers. There are pre-built binaries in http://software.opensuse.org/package/pidgin-sipe in case you don't want to build your own. == Other issues == Read the full SIPE FAQ here: https://sourceforge.net/p/sipe/faq/