Managing contact lists

After you've established your connection to each network you'll see the &bitlbee chat room appear. This is the control channel where you can enter commands. In the contact list you'll see your online and away contacts, however the offline contacts are not included.

It's also possible to have channels for each account with only the users of that account listed. This can be done with the /join &$account type syntax.

First a list of your accounts.

11:38 me: acc list
11:38 root: 0 (gtalk): jabber, (connected)
11:38 root: 1 (jabber): jabber, (connected)
11:38 root: 2 (icq): oscar, 012345678 (connected)
11:38 root: 3 (skype): skype, skypehandle
11:38 root: End of account list

To have a dedicated channel for all contacts of a specific account first add a channel for an account.

11:38 me: /join &gtalk

Now check the settings of this new channel.

11:31 me: channel &gtalk set
11:31 root: account is empty
11:31 root: auto_join = `true'
11:31 root: fill_by = `group'
11:31 root: group is `gtalk'
11:31 root: protocol is empty
11:31 root: show_users = `online+,away'
11:31 root: type = `control'

Notice that here the group gtalk is the source of contacts in this channel.

We can change this to include contacts from the account instead.

11:28 me: channel &gtalk set account gtalk
11:28 root: account = `gtalk'
11:28 me: channel &gtalk set fill_by account
11:28 root: fill_by = `account'

And we can also include offline contacts in the list.

11:28 me: channel &gtalk set show_users online+,away,offline
11:28 root: show_users = `online+,away,offline'

The final settings should look something like this:

11:31 me: channel &gtalk set
11:31 root: account is 'gtalk'
11:31 root: auto_join = `true'
11:31 root: fill_by = `account'
11:31 root: group is empty
11:31 root: protocol is empty
11:31 root: show_users = `online+,away,offline'
11:31 root: type = `control'

Do this for each account you want to have a dedicated contacts channel for.
