Differences between revisions 7 and 11 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2014-11-17 09:44:01
Size: 5969
Editor: dx
Comment: update for rev 1064 changes
Revision 11 as of 2014-12-19 17:59:35
Size: 5269
Editor: sjefen6
Comment: Updated to working IP recommended by http://ismsndeadyet.com/#bitlbee
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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As of 2014-11-11, you will need to upgrade to the '''latest development version''' (bzr 1064), otherwise login will fail with a timeout while fetching buddy lists.

Latest revisions (as of 2014-11-17) also fix the issues with appearing offline to other contacts.
As of 2014-11-11, you will need to upgrade to the '''latest development version''' (bzr 1070)
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--(If you use bitlbee-libpurple, you'll have to compile the [[https://hg.pidgin.im/pidgin/main/rev/f6a91e6c77a4|latest development version of libpurple]] too. Yes, pidgin has the same issue and upgrading to the latest development version also fixes it.)--. Pending proper fix for libpurple. If you use bitlbee-libpurple, you'll have to upgrade to libpurple 2.10.11.
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--(If you are too lazy to rebuild it, you can try using this [[https://gist.github.com/dequis/77b478f35f93f64ac640|binary patcher]] - works with bitlbee, libpurple's libmsn.so, and maybe others.)--. This patch won't fix it completely. == Connection refused? ==
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For more details, see this [[http://messengergeek.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/most-third-party-messenger-clients-have-gone-offline-temporarily/|messengergeek blog post]] (Huge thanks to him for notifying us so quickly about the issue, and providing a fix) Try upgrading to revision 1070 and do:

account msn set server

Replacing that IP with one of the working IP addresses from http://ismsndeadyet.com/. You can also change this in /etc/hosts (with a line that says {{{ messenger.hotmail.com}}})

Or install bitlbee libpurple and enable http method:

account msn set http_method on

== Network status ==

Visit http://ismsndeadyet.com!

That page also lists a few other IP addresses and their status in case you get 'connection refused'.
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== Network status ==

At the time of this writing, most of MSN still works.

There is an [[https://status.live.com/detail/msgr|official status page]], which should just say "Running normally" and nothing else.

For more detailed information on the status of individual features of MSN, visit the [[http://messengergeek.wordpress.com/messenger-status/|messengergeek's messenger status page]]

Setting up MSN with BitlBee

Upgrade required!

As of 2014-11-11, you will need to upgrade to the latest development version (bzr 1070)

Microsoft blocked the "ApplicationID" of windows live messenger 2008 (8.5), which happens to be used by several third party clients, including BitlBee and pidgin.

If you use debian/ubuntu, upgrading is easy: see Packages and use our APT repo.

If you use bitlbee-libpurple, you'll have to upgrade to libpurple 2.10.11.

Connection refused?

Try upgrading to revision 1070 and do:

account msn set server

Replacing that IP with one of the working IP addresses from http://ismsndeadyet.com/. You can also change this in /etc/hosts (with a line that says messenger.hotmail.com)

Or install bitlbee libpurple and enable http method:

account msn set http_method on

Network status

Visit http://ismsndeadyet.com!

That page also lists a few other IP addresses and their status in case you get 'connection refused'.

Adding the account itself

To add a MSN account to BitlBee:

account add msn username@hotmail.com password
account msn on

This should be enough for most people.

You can also leave out the password and set it afterwards with /oper.


Q: Why would I want MSN?

  • A: It lets you talk with skype contacts who have microsoft accounts without installing skype, and seems to be fairly reliable.

Q: Isn't it going to die?

  • A: Maybe! Maybe not! Who cares? It still works.

Q: Doesn't MSN use the XMPP protocol?

  • A: No. MSN and MSNXMPP are two different things. MSNXMPP was just a gateway to connect to MSN through XMPP, but it's never been the main way to use MSN.

    The MSNXMPP servers have been shutdown as of december 2013. The old protocol still works. Use the instructions above to add the account.

Q: Is OAuth supported?

  • A: Not by this protocol.


All current stable versions will fail to login, due to blocked ApplicationID - upgrade to bzr 1061 or patch the binary

The last important upgrade to MSN support in bitlbee was in 3.0.6, with MSNP18 support and multiple points of presence.


"Login error: Connection timeout" after "Authenticated, getting buddy list"

If you haven't upgraded yet, this is what the blocked ApplicationID error looks like.

<@root> msn - Logging in: Connecting
<@root> msn - Logging in: Connected to server, waiting for reply
<@root> msn - Logging in: Transferring to other server
<@root> msn - Logging in: Connected to server, waiting for reply
<@root> msn - Logging in: Authenticated, getting buddy list
<@root> msn - Login error: Connection timeout
<@root> msn - Logging in: Signing off..

"Error during Passport authentication: (null)"

The most common error, usually means "location blocked".

See HowtoFixMsn for a solution.

This error says "(null)" because bitlbee can't parse the error message to show something more meaningful. Because of this, it could also get shown for other error codes.

"Error reported by MSN server: Authentication failed"

This error can mean that the account is "temporarily blocked" and you need to verify it by providing a phone number.

It has also been seen when using a non-primary 'alias' address to log in to an account (just switch to the correct one).

Check your account recent activity page for more details, and see HowtoFixMsn.

"Error during Passport authentication: wsse:FailedAuthentication (Authentication Failure)"

This error almost always means that the password is incorrect.

"BitlBee - Received offline message. BitlBee can't show these"

You'll have to use a different client to fetch those messages (pidgin, amsn, emesene, etc)

The reason this message is shown is because the relevant code isn't implemented in bitlbee yet. Patches welcome

Server side support of offline messages has been disabled - if you actually get this message, let us know in #bitlbee!

A groupchat opens for individual conversations

MSN groupchats are weird. Your bitlbee is confused.

(known bug)

A note about outlook.com

Outlook.com is the new hotmail.com / msn.com / live.com. Some useful stuff you can do with it:

  • Log in with any account previously registered with passport.net (yes, you can use anyusername@anydomain.example.com and get an empty email inbox)

  • Set account aliases, which are other email addreses that point to the same microsoft account.
  • Register new accounts that can be used with msn and skype.
  • Use aliases to rename the registered accounts to any existing email address.
  • View the "recent activity" of the account - mostly successful/failed logins, and security challenges.

  • A few other neat security related features (two step auth, security codes, mobile authenticator app, etc)

BitlBee Wiki: HowtoMsn (last edited 2018-03-11 01:54:59 by dx)